Group: Hargio, Harpal, and Vinisha
The concept which we have chosen is a crime drama style production for our coursework. We chose to do this as its a very easy genre to pick as there are a lot of these style series on the television each day.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Mainstreamers tend to seek security and be domestic, sentimental and favour value for money brands including family brands. This group consists of a large population of human beings. This advert draws in this psychographic group as families drink coca cola, especially the kids, and majority of people drink it therefore making it a mainstream kind of beverage and hence why it's aimed at mainstreamers. Also, the fact that its Christmas emphasizes it as mainstream as most people celebrate Christmas and hence why it appeals to younger kids as they are influenced by Father Christmas.
Aspires seek status in terms of what they own and tend to be very materialistic. They also seem to care a lot on how they look and are very orientated to image, appearance and fashion. Usually the younger generation are placed in this psychographic group. The advertisement for dre beats expresses this due to the fact that they are expensive headphones which people buy only to impress other and not for the actual reason for buying headphones. The object itself is of decent quality however materialistic people, usually the younger sorts of people, tend to buy them in order to impress others.
Succeeders seek control and have strong goals. They a also very confident people in terms of their work business and social life. They tend to buy products of more higher quality and brand choices. The advert shown above for Lacoste relates to this psychographic as the brand Lacoste sells expensive yet high quality clothing which appeals to the rich and wealthy. They appeal to succeeders as they tend to be in higher management jobs and professions in a certain field/area. People who are in this psychographic group tend to care more about the brands of items therefore the brand in this advertisement appeals to them than say a blue inc brand or asda's george brand.
These are the people who seek survival and are very interested in the past and traditions. They emphasise safety a lot and. Believe in familiarity and economy. These tend to be older people, usually retired. This advertisement appeals to this particular psychographic group due to the fact that it represents safety and shows the point that people can get hurt if they are not doing what they can to avoid injury. This psychographic would be more influenced by an advert like this as they stress about safety and would try encourage others to do the same in order to stay safe.Explorers...
Explorers seek discovery and love finding out new things. They tend to have a lot of energy, individualized and experienced. They value difference and adventure than the standard trend. The first kinds of people to try out new brands and is usually the younger demographic students. The advertisement shown is for a car brand known as noble which may people do not/ or haven't heard of. This kind of advert is for the psychographic group; the explorers; as they would test out the cars brand and the quality of the car to see if it's any good as it's a really uncommon car.
This psychographic group seek escape and do not have very many skills in terms of what they are good at. They usually buy things such as alcohol, junk food and lottery tickets for a short buzz in order to make them happy for a short while. This advertisment for bingo relates to this psychographic group as they are looking/seeking for a break or escape out of reality. They want to quickly gain money and things which they desire quickly without paying too much for it. This relates as this type of psychographic group tend to gamble a lot in order to double their money and make more and more.
Reformers seek enlightenment in terms of personal growth and Knowledgement. They tend to have independent judgement and awareness. Anti-materialistic however have good taste in objects. They have also attended higher education and selects products in terms of it's quality. This advertisement suits this psychographic group due to the fact that Audi is a good, well-known brand who's cars are always of good quality and live up to what they are meant to do/achieve. Although others would not buy these kinds of things, reformers would as they have attended high education therefore meaning that most of them have good, well paying jobs therefore they can afford cars like these.
Overall, out of the 7 different psychographic groups/categories, i wouldn't class myself in any of the groups particularly. I kind of fit into some of them in different ways. For example, you could say that i fit in the psychographic group known as explorers as i love to buy new brands which others do not have and i like to purchase quite uncommon things. I also like uncommon things to common ones such as cars, clothing ect...
I do select products for it's value and quality than to price however i'm not full on anti-materialistic as i do like to have and possess nice things at the same time,
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Representations of products to audiences
The gender aimed at as its target audience is the male market as the car involves a cleaver pun in which majority of males to females would find this more interesting. Also the car (Mitsubishi) is a very powerful car therefore attracting males as they love cars which have power and horsepower behind them. The moving image advert is aimed at families as they're sit in the car having a good time therefore promoting Mitsubishi's as family cars.
A sports car - the targeted audience for a sports car would generally be aimed at the male demographic due to the fact that majority of men to women love to drive flash, fast cars. In order to make an advertisement for a sports car successful, you should aim it at males, possibly doing this by having an attractive women in the same shot as the car.
A diving watch - generally a diving watch can be aimed at either a male or female demographic therefore a advertisement can be aimed at either or both audiences. For a successful advertisement, a diving watch can be aimed at females by possibly having a well known female celebrity, possibly one who is a world class diver and promoting the watch therefore encouraging females to buy the diving watch.
The advertisements show or represent the fact that men drink beer is the dominant ideology in terms of the gender that tends to drink bottled beer.
Toilet paper - advertisements concerning a gender on toilet paper would be both males and females as both males and females use toilet paper daily therefore meaning that there isn't really a hegemonic target audience in terms of who to aim a toilet paper advertisement. To aim it at males, you could have a man run to the bathroom and somehow incorporate excretion finally leaving the body as relaxing and therefore the best toilet paper to clean up or finish the job would be that particular toilet paper.
Due to the fact that the main character or actor featured in the video is a male, this encourages males to be influenced as they can relate to the male on the advert.

Cigarettes - cigarettes can be aimed at either the male or females therefore it's generally aimed at neither and just targeted at the people who generally smoke them. In order to just aim cigarettes at just women/ females, you could have a female celebrity smoking and therefore making it seem common and cool. Despite this, it's not suppose to be promoted as such and hence why you don't see advertisements promoting cigarettes due to the fact that smoking is a disgusting habit which can lead to an early death.
This advertisement is aimed more at the male demographic audience as there are cartoon males smoking cigarettes. In order to appeal to a female market audience, they could keep the same idea but have cartoon females smoking and instead of it being black and white, the colours could be more feminine such as pinks and purples.

This advertisement is aimed more at the male demographic audience as there are cartoon males smoking cigarettes. In order to appeal to a female market audience, they could keep the same idea but have cartoon females smoking and instead of it being black and white, the colours could be more feminine such as pinks and purples.
Hi-fi system - generally a hi-fi system isn't usually aimed at a specific audience however despite this, I personally think that the dominant gender users of hi-fi systems would be males as they tend to blast music and especially younger males as they buy them for their room in order to connect their mobile or some other kind of device to it to play/blast music. So if I were to advertise a hi-fi system to a female demographic, I would have the hi-fi in the advert have a mp3 connected to it, playing a predominantly girls song such as a Taylor Swift track as this would influence more females to buy the hi-fi as it relates to what they listen to.
In the moving image advert, the music being played is rap which appeals to the younger generation, more specifically, young males therefore in order to attract a female demographic, the music played could be a Taylor Swift song and colours used could be more feminine to appeal more to the female market.

In the moving image advert, the music being played is rap which appeals to the younger generation, more specifically, young males therefore in order to attract a female demographic, the music played could be a Taylor Swift song and colours used could be more feminine to appeal more to the female market.
A domestic cleaning product - the general target audience for a domestic cleaning product would stereotypically be females as most people think that females do the cleaning in the most. This saying as evolved from the name of a housewife. The fact that house-husband is not a term really influences this saying and this frame of mind. So in order to aim this product to a female target audience, you'd have a female using the product; preferably a mother cleaning their kids clothes; getting the job done as usual. Or you could even have a male doing the cleaning however messing it up therefore stating that males can't do the cleaning and females get the cleaning done brilliantly hence why it's aimed at them.
Both advertisements attract more of a female market therefore if you wanted to attract a predominantly male audience, you could have a guy doing the cleaning up and somehow do this in a manly kind of way in order to promote a message suggesting that cleaning is not just a womens/females job.
Both advertisements attract more of a female market therefore if you wanted to attract a predominantly male audience, you could have a guy doing the cleaning up and somehow do this in a manly kind of way in order to promote a message suggesting that cleaning is not just a womens/females job.
Trainers - trainers can be targeted at either audience, males or females hence why they vary on television. Generally, running shoes have an athlete promoting them or they associate a trainer with some kind of popular sport in order to connote the fact that if you wear that particular trainer, you'll so,show perform better at that sport in some kind of way.
The print advertisement attracts to females as there is a female celebrity promoting trainers. This therefore encourages females to buy them as they think that the celebrity also has a pair of them and hence why females are attract to the advertisement and lead into buying a pair of trainers themselves. In order to attract a male market, you could have a celebrity possibly one who is famous for a predominantly males sport such as rugby or football, and have them promote the trainer.
The print advertisement attracts to females as there is a female celebrity promoting trainers. This therefore encourages females to buy them as they think that the celebrity also has a pair of them and hence why females are attract to the advertisement and lead into buying a pair of trainers themselves. In order to attract a male market, you could have a celebrity possibly one who is famous for a predominantly males sport such as rugby or football, and have them promote the trainer.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
The film taken has many different narrative theories; in terms of media analysis; which has influenced the producer of the film to make the movie in a certain way following certain guidelines.
For example, the film criteria follows the narrative theory created by Tzvetan Todorov which is the point that in every great film there starts out with an equilibrium, then a factor which disrupts the equilibrium and finally a resolution or a new equilibrium. Taken follows this theory as at the start, there is a normal state of world where everyone is happy and contempt however the protagonist feels uneasy over the fact that his daughter wants to go to France to follow a band tour. Once his daughter arrives in France, her and her friend are taken by a group of criminals; based in France; Who drug teenagers in order to sell them on to other criminals. This is the disequilibrium. As the film progresses, there is a chain of events which take place between the protagonist and the villain(s) which involves conflict. As the film progresses further, the protagonist conquers over the villain(s) in the film as Tzvetan Todorov's theory confirms that there is a new equilibrium in the storyline and the characters seem to have learnt from the situations that have taken place. Todorov's theory is that there is a new equilibrium which is almost like a resolution however is not the same as the first equilibrium at the start of the girl as the characters now live their lives differently to before.
Every great film also includes a protagonist; the main character of the film; enigma codes which control how much the audience know at a point in the film. This also holds the audiences interest as they want to find out about more in terms of the storyline. Action codes (events in the storyline which we know to be important in developing the plot/narrative. Taken includes a lot of this for example, an example of an action code is when the protagonist has doubts that his daughter will be safe in France alone with her friend. This is an action code as we as the audience can tell that this may be an important part which builds the narrative. The film as a whole keeps the audience guessing a lot hence why there are many enigma codes. Despite this, it doesn't create a lot of mystery in the film which allows the audience to engage into the films narrative.
The film also follows a linear style pattern which means that it's in the order of beginning, middle and end. It's done in this way due to the fact that its a big budget Hollywood action movie. The genre: action tends to not confuse the audience as much as a sci-fi film hence why they stuck with a linear pattern as its basic layout for the narrative. Also, the genre is the reason why they have decided not to use a multi-strand narrative as this would confuse the audience even more than a non-linear style narrative. A multi-strand narrative in other words involves many characters who are protagonists and the lives of them are followed throughout the story until the very end where somehow their lives are linked together to a set of activities. This confuses the audience a lot hence the reason why the producer of taken decided to keep the film to a standard linear narrative.
The film taken has many different narrative theories; in terms of media analysis; which has influenced the producer of the film to make the movie in a certain way following certain guidelines.
For example, the film criteria follows the narrative theory created by Tzvetan Todorov which is the point that in every great film there starts out with an equilibrium, then a factor which disrupts the equilibrium and finally a resolution or a new equilibrium. Taken follows this theory as at the start, there is a normal state of world where everyone is happy and contempt however the protagonist feels uneasy over the fact that his daughter wants to go to France to follow a band tour. Once his daughter arrives in France, her and her friend are taken by a group of criminals; based in France; Who drug teenagers in order to sell them on to other criminals. This is the disequilibrium. As the film progresses, there is a chain of events which take place between the protagonist and the villain(s) which involves conflict. As the film progresses further, the protagonist conquers over the villain(s) in the film as Tzvetan Todorov's theory confirms that there is a new equilibrium in the storyline and the characters seem to have learnt from the situations that have taken place. Todorov's theory is that there is a new equilibrium which is almost like a resolution however is not the same as the first equilibrium at the start of the girl as the characters now live their lives differently to before.
Every great film also includes a protagonist; the main character of the film; enigma codes which control how much the audience know at a point in the film. This also holds the audiences interest as they want to find out about more in terms of the storyline. Action codes (events in the storyline which we know to be important in developing the plot/narrative. Taken includes a lot of this for example, an example of an action code is when the protagonist has doubts that his daughter will be safe in France alone with her friend. This is an action code as we as the audience can tell that this may be an important part which builds the narrative. The film as a whole keeps the audience guessing a lot hence why there are many enigma codes. Despite this, it doesn't create a lot of mystery in the film which allows the audience to engage into the films narrative.
The film also follows a linear style pattern which means that it's in the order of beginning, middle and end. It's done in this way due to the fact that its a big budget Hollywood action movie. The genre: action tends to not confuse the audience as much as a sci-fi film hence why they stuck with a linear pattern as its basic layout for the narrative. Also, the genre is the reason why they have decided not to use a multi-strand narrative as this would confuse the audience even more than a non-linear style narrative. A multi-strand narrative in other words involves many characters who are protagonists and the lives of them are followed throughout the story until the very end where somehow their lives are linked together to a set of activities. This confuses the audience a lot hence the reason why the producer of taken decided to keep the film to a standard linear narrative.
Monday, 5 November 2012
evaluating media coursework
The Paperboy
WWW- It was a very interesting film trailer and kept the audience in their seats. The idea overall was very good and outside the box in terms of any horror film out these days. As a whole, i thought that the music used was dramatic and therefore was parallel sound to the trailer. We weren't shown much on "the paperboy" therefore the audience were intrigued more as they wanted to see this evil creature.
EBI- I personally would have liked the trailer more if we were shown more clips on the "paperboy" however keeping the balance so that we weren't shown too much in the film trailer.
The paperboy is an interesting film trailer which follows the conventions of a typical horror movie through different media skills such as the mise en scene used as well as the music. The music which was played in the background of the film trailer was parallel to the trailer and therefore followed the overall theme of stereotypical aspects of a horror film trailer in order to portray a sense of horror. The whole idea of the film trailer and concept itself is very original therefore captures the audience in a way in which results in them continuing to watch and create an opinion on the trailer. The originality allows views to become involved with what's being shown in front of them, therefore making them intrigued in terms of the movie which they are watching.
The music being played in the background of the trailer was a theme song associated with the exorcist however the concept of the film was different. However despite this, we still know that the film is a horror film due to the fact that the exorcist films are associated as a time-less scary film which everyone has either seen or heard of.]#
Inner Redemption
WWW- The film trailer for inner redemption was interesting and followed the stereotypical conventions of a stand horror film and trailer.
EBI- Lacked a bit of originality in terms of what was produced and shown as there are many horror films which follow the ideologies of a character being possessed.
The audience knew what they were watching once the trailer started due to the music which had been played in the background of the film trailer. For example, the conventions of a typical horror film would generally be that the music would be quite daunting and slow yet builds up with pace and suspense. The way Inner Redemption did this followed the conventions which are generally associated with this type of film: a horror film trailer.
On the other side of things, the trailer was very interesting such as all the shot which were used. In the entire duration of the trailer, there were many various high to low angled shot in which created a different amount of suspense and a different mood which struck the audience. The low shots which were used portrayed the character; who was the one who was possessed; with power and therefore people are afraid or scared of the character. The interesting part about the
the Institutions involved in the production of Fish Tank. List them with a
summary of what their contribution to the film was.
When the production of the film "Fish Tank" was going ahead, there were some institutions involved in the production of the film. These institutions are known as The BBC, UK council and ICF (inter city films). These three production companies have a reputation for working with and producing low budget British films.
Two other Independent British film production companies – their “brand”, as well as current and previous productions.
"Coffee" is a independent British film production company that's been running since 1996, making short films. They've produced a number of short films such as films like "Silence Amplified" and "drop". They are also bring out a short film in 2013 called "Lucid".
Another independent British film production company which i found was "Blast" which has been independently making films since 1994.
Out of the three Production Companies you have researched, which do you see as most successful and why?
Out of the three production companies, ICF films seems to be the most successful independent film company due to the number of films that they had made. As they've made a lot of films and had quite large profits from them, they are most successful in terms of the money produced.
How much Fish Tank cost to produce (it’s budget)
Fish Tanks budget or cost to produce was $3 million which is a small budget in comparison to other films such as big budget Hollywood films. Despite it's budget being only $3 million, fish tank made $2,347,852 in box office alone.
When the production of the film "Fish Tank" was going ahead, there were some institutions involved in the production of the film. These institutions are known as The BBC, UK council and ICF (inter city films). These three production companies have a reputation for working with and producing low budget British films.
Two other Independent British film production companies – their “brand”, as well as current and previous productions.
"Coffee" is a independent British film production company that's been running since 1996, making short films. They've produced a number of short films such as films like "Silence Amplified" and "drop". They are also bring out a short film in 2013 called "Lucid".
Another independent British film production company which i found was "Blast" which has been independently making films since 1994.
Out of the three Production Companies you have researched, which do you see as most successful and why?
Out of the three production companies, ICF films seems to be the most successful independent film company due to the number of films that they had made. As they've made a lot of films and had quite large profits from them, they are most successful in terms of the money produced.
How much Fish Tank cost to produce (it’s budget)
Fish Tanks budget or cost to produce was $3 million which is a small budget in comparison to other films such as big budget Hollywood films. Despite it's budget being only $3 million, fish tank made $2,347,852 in box office alone.
budgets – find 5 films made for £5 million pounds or less – what types of films
are feasible on this budget?
The zombie diaries(2006) - £8,100
Dawn of the dead - £500,000
Saw - $1.2 million
Halloween(1978) - $325,000
Brain dead - $3 million
How was Fish Tank funded?
Fish Tank was funded by the BBC films and the UK film council in order for it to be produced and put up on the big screen.
The zombie diaries(2006) - £8,100
Dawn of the dead - £500,000
Saw - $1.2 million
Halloween(1978) - $325,000
Brain dead - $3 million
How was Fish Tank funded?
Fish Tank was funded by the BBC films and the UK film council in order for it to be produced and put up on the big screen.
one other way that British films are funded. Are there any similarities or
They can also be funded through a third party institution in order to get enough money for the film production to go ahead. A similarity between them is that either way the film gets produced due to the funding that's gone ahead.
They can also be funded through a third party institution in order to get enough money for the film production to go ahead. A similarity between them is that either way the film gets produced due to the funding that's gone ahead.
is the target audience for Fish Tank?
The target audience for the film "Fish Tank" is teenagers/young adults as it portrays the life of a under-achieving teenager living in a council flat and shows how some kids live in comparison to their own. The film is aimed at teenagers due to the fact that it's purpose is to inform them that not everyone lives a similar lifestyle to them therefore making them appreciate what they've got.
The target audience for the film "Fish Tank" is teenagers/young adults as it portrays the life of a under-achieving teenager living in a council flat and shows how some kids live in comparison to their own. The film is aimed at teenagers due to the fact that it's purpose is to inform them that not everyone lives a similar lifestyle to them therefore making them appreciate what they've got.
the mainstream 16–25 youth cinema market and decide which 3 genres are
most targeted at them and justify your decisions with your
The three genres which are most targeted at the mainstream market (16-25 year olds) tends to be action films, horror films and adventure films as they create a sanctuary in which the audience can escape from the real world.
The three genres which are most targeted at the mainstream market (16-25 year olds) tends to be action films, horror films and adventure films as they create a sanctuary in which the audience can escape from the real world.
is the main distributor of Fish Tank?
The main distributor of Fish Tank is Andrea Arnold who wrote and directed the film. It was distributed by Articifical Eye.
The main distributor of Fish Tank is Andrea Arnold who wrote and directed the film. It was distributed by Articifical Eye.
is the role of a film distributor? Are there any differences between
distribution in the US and UK?
The role of the film distributor is to release films in order for the public and viewing audiences at home are able to watch the film at home. Films produced in the US are more likely to have a big named company distributing there films therefore making and promoting the film far more than a film produced in the UK.
The role of the film distributor is to release films in order for the public and viewing audiences at home are able to watch the film at home. Films produced in the US are more likely to have a big named company distributing there films therefore making and promoting the film far more than a film produced in the UK.
was Fish Tank promoted (when it was released in 2009)?
When the film fish tank was released in 2009, it was previewed and shown at a film festival in France in order to see if people liked the concept of the film and to predict it's overall ratings and income/profits.
When the film fish tank was released in 2009, it was previewed and shown at a film festival in France in order to see if people liked the concept of the film and to predict it's overall ratings and income/profits.
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