The gender aimed at as its target audience is the male market as the car involves a cleaver pun in which majority of males to females would find this more interesting. Also the car (Mitsubishi) is a very powerful car therefore attracting males as they love cars which have power and horsepower behind them. The moving image advert is aimed at families as they're sit in the car having a good time therefore promoting Mitsubishi's as family cars.
A sports car - the targeted audience for a sports car would generally be aimed at the male demographic due to the fact that majority of men to women love to drive flash, fast cars. In order to make an advertisement for a sports car successful, you should aim it at males, possibly doing this by having an attractive women in the same shot as the car.
A diving watch - generally a diving watch can be aimed at either a male or female demographic therefore a advertisement can be aimed at either or both audiences. For a successful advertisement, a diving watch can be aimed at females by possibly having a well known female celebrity, possibly one who is a world class diver and promoting the watch therefore encouraging females to buy the diving watch.
The advertisements show or represent the fact that men drink beer is the dominant ideology in terms of the gender that tends to drink bottled beer.
Toilet paper - advertisements concerning a gender on toilet paper would be both males and females as both males and females use toilet paper daily therefore meaning that there isn't really a hegemonic target audience in terms of who to aim a toilet paper advertisement. To aim it at males, you could have a man run to the bathroom and somehow incorporate excretion finally leaving the body as relaxing and therefore the best toilet paper to clean up or finish the job would be that particular toilet paper.
Due to the fact that the main character or actor featured in the video is a male, this encourages males to be influenced as they can relate to the male on the advert.

Cigarettes - cigarettes can be aimed at either the male or females therefore it's generally aimed at neither and just targeted at the people who generally smoke them. In order to just aim cigarettes at just women/ females, you could have a female celebrity smoking and therefore making it seem common and cool. Despite this, it's not suppose to be promoted as such and hence why you don't see advertisements promoting cigarettes due to the fact that smoking is a disgusting habit which can lead to an early death.
This advertisement is aimed more at the male demographic audience as there are cartoon males smoking cigarettes. In order to appeal to a female market audience, they could keep the same idea but have cartoon females smoking and instead of it being black and white, the colours could be more feminine such as pinks and purples.

This advertisement is aimed more at the male demographic audience as there are cartoon males smoking cigarettes. In order to appeal to a female market audience, they could keep the same idea but have cartoon females smoking and instead of it being black and white, the colours could be more feminine such as pinks and purples.
Hi-fi system - generally a hi-fi system isn't usually aimed at a specific audience however despite this, I personally think that the dominant gender users of hi-fi systems would be males as they tend to blast music and especially younger males as they buy them for their room in order to connect their mobile or some other kind of device to it to play/blast music. So if I were to advertise a hi-fi system to a female demographic, I would have the hi-fi in the advert have a mp3 connected to it, playing a predominantly girls song such as a Taylor Swift track as this would influence more females to buy the hi-fi as it relates to what they listen to.
In the moving image advert, the music being played is rap which appeals to the younger generation, more specifically, young males therefore in order to attract a female demographic, the music played could be a Taylor Swift song and colours used could be more feminine to appeal more to the female market.

In the moving image advert, the music being played is rap which appeals to the younger generation, more specifically, young males therefore in order to attract a female demographic, the music played could be a Taylor Swift song and colours used could be more feminine to appeal more to the female market.
A domestic cleaning product - the general target audience for a domestic cleaning product would stereotypically be females as most people think that females do the cleaning in the most. This saying as evolved from the name of a housewife. The fact that house-husband is not a term really influences this saying and this frame of mind. So in order to aim this product to a female target audience, you'd have a female using the product; preferably a mother cleaning their kids clothes; getting the job done as usual. Or you could even have a male doing the cleaning however messing it up therefore stating that males can't do the cleaning and females get the cleaning done brilliantly hence why it's aimed at them.
Both advertisements attract more of a female market therefore if you wanted to attract a predominantly male audience, you could have a guy doing the cleaning up and somehow do this in a manly kind of way in order to promote a message suggesting that cleaning is not just a womens/females job.
Both advertisements attract more of a female market therefore if you wanted to attract a predominantly male audience, you could have a guy doing the cleaning up and somehow do this in a manly kind of way in order to promote a message suggesting that cleaning is not just a womens/females job.
Trainers - trainers can be targeted at either audience, males or females hence why they vary on television. Generally, running shoes have an athlete promoting them or they associate a trainer with some kind of popular sport in order to connote the fact that if you wear that particular trainer, you'll so,show perform better at that sport in some kind of way.
The print advertisement attracts to females as there is a female celebrity promoting trainers. This therefore encourages females to buy them as they think that the celebrity also has a pair of them and hence why females are attract to the advertisement and lead into buying a pair of trainers themselves. In order to attract a male market, you could have a celebrity possibly one who is famous for a predominantly males sport such as rugby or football, and have them promote the trainer.
The print advertisement attracts to females as there is a female celebrity promoting trainers. This therefore encourages females to buy them as they think that the celebrity also has a pair of them and hence why females are attract to the advertisement and lead into buying a pair of trainers themselves. In order to attract a male market, you could have a celebrity possibly one who is famous for a predominantly males sport such as rugby or football, and have them promote the trainer.
bottled beer ad:
ReplyDeletei agree that it is mostly targeted at men, and the fact you said it isnt usually aimed at females as it can be considers as unlady like
www:clear analysis with example
ebi: tried to find some kind of female beer drink
i agree that they can be advertised to both audiences
www:showed both sides to the product (genders)
ebi: try to analyse some of the thing in the media text that show why it is for males or females
lr: reupload that picture under the beer bottles it does not work!